Is it me or is it strange that it is March already? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it - March feels much closer to being out of the winter woods... but February flew!
Earlier this year, Ellie posted a creative challenge on her wonderful blog. Not one to turn down a challenge (especially a fun one), I joined in. Here are the details of the 2013 Creative Pay It Forward:
first five people to comment on this post will receive a gift from me this
calendar year! It will be unexpected and whenever the mood strikes me! Expect
something fun and unique! If you comment, you must pay it forward and offer the
same on your Facebook status! :)
As an advocate of the handwritten letter, the homemade gift and the postal service in general, I'm pumped! So! Who wants presents?!? Since I am on the receiving end of Ellie's gifting, I am paying it forward to five others! Come one five, come all! You need not have a blog, or be a follower of this one, to join in - you can continue the creative love on your Facebook page if you'd like. Simply leave a comment below that you'd like to take part (and while you're at it, your first pet's name (this has nothing to do with the contest at all, promise)) and I will choose five commenters next Friday morning! If I don't receive five people, we'll go with it anyways - some creativity is better than none!
And, just think, you have 10 months to make this happen! So long as they don't speed by like February, that's a loooong time (: