Mar 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!

{peach, fruits of the forest}

It's Pi Day - go get your pie on!

Mar 13, 2012

what i am today...

 {birds in squawkbox tree}

today i am:

feeling like i didn't have enough winter to be blessed by this spring

wishing i could have a cup of tea with my grandmas

listening to the civil wars' harmony

relieved at some medical results and nervous for others

soaking in the sun on my skin

Mar 3, 2012

February Photos 5

{10 am - usually a time at work when I grab a little pick-me-up... usually chai tea...}
{...and almonds}

February Photos 4

{a stranger}

Okay, that's me.  As I haven't been frequenting this parts to write much lately, I thought it was warranted.

However, if you thought this day's assignment warranted stalking, I am proud to say I'll admit that I did too.  See me get my creep on below:

{yes, this is a stranger.  yes, that was the assignment.  no, i am not a weirdo.}

{this man had a very orange beard.  hair dye orange, but not natural hair color.  it's better seen here, back-lit by the romaine.}